Dear Numismatic Friends Welcome back and Happy 2020 to all of you! Here is finally the first numismatic appointment of this new year! I AM WAITING FOR YOU ALL AT THE 62nd Numismatic and Commercial Conference in Modena
MUTINA 2020 11 JANUARY 2020 from 09.00 to 17.00 the Conference will take place at the Palazzetto dello Sport PALAPANINI in Modena in via dello Sport 122 (corner of the Acqui Division) Free admission and dedicated parking spaces in the neighboring area I will be present as an exhibitor only on Saturday We are waiting for you at our stand where it will be possible to view and buy our coins for sale, carry out estimates and appraisals. It will also be possible to collect the material already purchased at our online Numismatics shop on Ebay: http://stores.ebay.it/NUMISMATICA-LEONESSA-BS We are always available to purchase your coins, single, in stock or whole collections. We are waiting for you, do not miss ... the Numismatic conferences are an important opportunity to gain experience and see coins live, with no purchase commitment! See you soon Massimo Filisina Numismatic Expert Numismatics Leonessa 335 6490043