- Massimo Filisina, Professional Numismatist, owner of the Leonessa Numismatic Company, was born in Brescia on 15 June 1966
- Graduated in Accounting at theSalò Battisti Technical Institute
- Numismatic Expert enrolled in the register of Experts of the C.C.I.A.A. of Brescia Professional Seal n. 556
- Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of N.I.A. Italian Numismatic Associates
- Member of the National Association of Philatelic Professionals based in Via Camperio 4 in Milan (all meetings take place on Thursdays at the headquarters of the Association)
- Collaborator of dr. Eupremio Montenegro in the drafting of the "Collector's Manual of Italian Coins" with evaluation and degree of rarity, an indispensable tool for all collectors, with new editions published every year. We are authorized resellers of the above manual
- Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of Prevalle from 1997 to 2018, Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Budget of the Municipality of Prevalle from 2009 to 2018
- Director of the Hydroelectric Company M.C.L. S.r.l.