Mailing List 036 24/03/2017 We repeat the offer of Numismatic Books!

Mailing list nr. 036/2017

Dear friends, dear friends.

I propose again the offer made of the Numismatic Books ... with the same words, BUT with a little more effort:


there is nothing more to add ...

if not the fact that you take good note of the next Numismatic conference at which many of you are waiting!

"CULTURE" Numismatics .. this unknown! The approach to Numismatics and the passion for coins cannot ignore the study of the same! Today on the internet you can find everything ... but "physically" owning a Book is always a source of emotion .. as well as knowing of course! We would like to offer you today 4 volumes, which certainly do not claim to fill the void of knowledge, they are so different from each other for the historical period covered, but which are an indispensable "unicum" for their treatment .. as well as practically impossible to find the the price we offer is the best ever! DON'T MISS THIS "CULTURAL" OPPORTUNITY ... a Book is nice to have but also to GIFT! I always remember that the awards will be made with booking priority, even if you will not receive an immediate response ... HAVE FUN AND BE VERY FAST! As always, requests will be answered in chronological order of arrival .. so if you do not receive a prompt reply, don't worry !!! PUNIC SARDINIAN COINS With a historical-bibliographic study by Maria Valeria Giberti Written by Professor Enrico Piras Translated also in English! The most complete text to provide scholars and collectors with a detailed and methodical description of the coins minted in Sardinia during the Punic domination 171 pages - September 1993 edition Cover price Lire 90,000 AT THE PRICE OF EURO 30.00 + shipping folded books recommended € 6.25… EXTRAORDINARY PRICE 10 VOLUMES AVAILABLE BLACK CLAUDIUS DRUSUS GERMANICUS CAESAR "NERONE" Written by Dr. Eupremio Montenegro A treatise on Roman history and all the coins minted by this well-known Emperor: Nero With photographs, descriptions, bibliography and grades of rarity The best! 228 pages - September 1994 edition - Cover price Lire 150,000 AT THE PRICE OF EURO 30.00 + recommended folding of books for shipping € 6.25 .. EXTRAORDINARY PRICE 10 VOLUMES AVAILABLE !! EUPREMIO MONTENEGRO EDITOR OF COINS OF CASA SAVOIA AND OF THE KINGDOM OF ITALY TESTS AND PROJECTS INCLUDED! AUTHOR DR. EUPREMIO MONTENEGRO 350 PAGES IN BLACK AND WHITE - NEW OF PRINTING THIS EDITION HAS BEEN OUT OF STOCK (printed in September 1995) It is still the milestone for fans of the kingdom of Italy, especially of Tests and Projects meticulously illustrated after their studies of Pagani and Simonetti, who find their complete integration here. AT THE PRICE OF EURO 18.00 + shipping of books recommended € 6.25 10 BOOKS AVAILABLE !!! EXTRAORDINARY!!!! EUPREMIO MONTENEGRO EDITOR PROJECTS PROJECTS AND NUMISAMTIC RARITIES OF ITALIAN MONEY FIRST VOLUME - CASA SAVOIA FROM 1713 TO 1946 Author Lieutenant Colonel Domenico Luppino NEW PRINTED - ORIGINAL COVER PRICE EURO 150.00 586 COLOR PAGES Extraordinary issue illustrating the Provisions , even the fantasy issues, all the great rarities !! with color photos, all the steps in the auction and the prices by degree of conservation! A true modern Bible that continues the study of Dr. Montenegro and completes it with the latest information that Colonel Luppino came into possession during his investigative investigation (he is an Officer of the Guardia di Finanza) at the Italian mint AT THE PRICE OF EURO 63.00 + shipping of books recommended in euro 7.25… .PRICE NEVER SEEN !!! EVEN FROM THE EDITOR! 10 BOOKS AVAILABLE !!! EXTRAORDINARY!!!! HURRY UP !!! I do not do bulk shipment with coins! The books are sent singularly with Piego di Libri Recommended I also remind you that I am at vs. available for estimates and appraisals on your individual coins or collections… contact me for the operating procedures. I still remember that every Thursday you can find me in Milan at the Numismatic and Philatelic Exchange in via Camperio 4. You can collect your Vs. purchases (even those made in my Ebay store) see new coins or have yours appraised! Lastly, I still remember that I am always interested in evaluating purchases of your single coins or entire collections, including gold and silver!

Massimo Filisina Numismatica Leonessa Numismatic Expert Brescia Chamber of Commerce Seal Prof. n ° 556 335 6490043