Mailing list nr. 084/2019 Dear friends, dear friends. Entirely dedicated to the Collector friends of our Numismatic King Vittorio Emanuele III With rarity and numismatic gems and also 3 pre-unification gems of the Papal State. Very high quality and super prices absolutely not to be missed HAVE FUN AND BE VERY FAST TO ORDER THE COINS JUST SEND AN EMAIL TO
massimo@numismaticaleonessa.it AND INDICATE THE COINS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Let's start with this extraordinary "heavy weight" accompanied by two "dwarves" 😊 PONTIFICAL STATE Pope Pius IX 5 COPPER BAIOCCHI 1849 B Mint of Bologna RARE * R * Large coin weighing 42 grams! Of extraordinary freshness, with almost specular and partially red funds. 2 very high quality little ones Pope Pius IX 10 MONEY IN SILVER 1867 Year XXII With luster of minting Appraised Q.FDC / FDC by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 180.00 At the price of Euro 69.00 small numismatic gem! 5 BAIOCCHI IN SILVER 1864 Year XIX RARE * R * With luster of minting Appraised ALMOST FIOR DI CONIO by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 180.00 At the price of Euro 64.00 small numismatic gem! Le Chicche del Re Numismatico VITTORIO EMANUELE III KING OF ITALY 1 LIRA IN SILVER 1901 Aquila Sabauda With superb luster of minting Appraised FIOR DI CONIO by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 250.00 FDC70 600.00 At the price of Euro 189.00 numismatic gem spectacular price 2 LIRS SILVER 1902 AQUILA SABAUADA RARE * R * With excellent patina of Moneta that has rested in coins Expert EXCELLENT SPL + by the Perito Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 800.00 At the price of Euro 359.00 rarity super price 2 LIRE SILVER 1905 AQUILA SABAUDA With excellent patina of Moneta that has rested in coin cabinet EXCELLENT Q.FDC by the Perito Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 450.00 At the price of Euro 296.00 super price take advantage now 2 LIRE SILVER 1906 AQUILA SABAUDA With superb luster of minting Appraised Q.FDC / FDC by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 650.00 At the price of Euro 399 , 00 numismatic gem take advantage of it now 2 LIRE SILVER 1907 AQUILA SABAUDA With excellent patina of Moneta that has rested in a coin cabinet. numismatic gem extraordinary price 20 LIRS HELMET 1928 NOT COMMON * NC * Appraised ALMOST BEAUTIFUL by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 SPL 51 euro 450.00 At the price of Euro 209.00 take advantage now! 10 LIRE SILVER EMPIRE 1936 Year XIV With excellent luster of minting Appraised FIOR DI CONIO COLPETTINO by the Expert Massimo Filisina Cat. * NC * With superb luster of minting and excellent funds Appraised Q.FDC / FDC by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 61 euro 400.00 At the price of Euro 199.00 numismatic gem extraordinary price Very difficult to find in high conservation i "Rigati" 50 CENTESIMI LEONI 1921 RIGATO contour With mint luster AND freshness of metal for the type Appraised SPL + / Q.FDC by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 SPL 51 euro 1,200 FDC 61 euro 3,500.00 At the price of Euro 689 , 00 extraordinary price for this conservation Rarity with extraordinary conservation, mint condition! 20 CENTS EMPIRE 1936 Year XIV VERY RARE RR * R2 * With extraordinary luster of minting and flawless metal freshness! FIOR DI CONIO appraisal by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 70 euro 650.00 At the price of Euro 299.00 extraordinary Numismatic gem, lucky those who put it in the collection! Two "Coupons" 20 CENTS in copper 1906 Fiera di Milano From specular funds, live better than in photos! Appraised Q.FDC / FDC by the Expert Francesco Cavaliere Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC70 euro 500 At the price of Euro 126.00 extraordinary price 2 LIRA VOUCHER 1928 Fiera di Milano In gilded metal EXCELLENT Q.FDC Partial Gilding by the Expert Massimo Filisina Reference Cat. Montenegro 2019 FDC 70 euro 500 At the price of Euro 119.00 extraordinary price We end with this liretta that never appears in our. offers LOMBARDY NAPOLEON I Emperor 1 LIRA IN SILVER 1810 Mint of Milan With good luster for the type Appraised Q.SPL / SPL by the Expert Massimo Filisina Cat. every collector can come true. The best quality / price ratio on the market! I also remind you that I am in vs. available for estimates and appraisals on your individual coins or collections… contact me for the operating procedures. I still remember that every Thursday you can find me in Milan at the Numismatic and Philatelic Exchange in via Camperio 4. You can collect your Vs. purchases (even those made in my Ebay store) see new coins or have yours appraised! Lastly, I still remember that I am always interested in evaluating purchases of your single coins or entire collections, including gold and silver. Massimo Filisina Numismatica Leonessa Numismatic Expert Brescia Chamber of Commerce Seal Prof. n ° 556 335 6490043